🎙️ Discussion

Honor media-type Accepts:

Table of contents

  1. What are the challenges that we are trying to solve?
  2. What ideas do we have for how to address these challenges?
  3. How do these ideas break down into…
    1. Already existing OCI specs?
    2. A new project (CNCF or OCI)
  4. Questions?
  5. What pre-existing work or software can support these ideas?
  6. Relevant OCI Issues

What are the challenges that we are trying to solve?

Registries often return media type other than what was requested. I was very surprised to discover that returning the requested type is a SHOULD.

Doesn’t this violate the HTTP spec?

What ideas do we have for how to address these challenges?

Only return requested media types. If an implementation can accept multiple types, it can just say so with the Accepts: header.

How do these ideas break down into…

Already existing OCI specs?

This idea is relevant to the distribution spec.

A new project (CNCF or OCI)


What pre-existing work or software can support these ideas?

Relevant OCI Issues