
Do you want to browse a particular question, and see change from year to year? This is the right place!


Do you typically have to build containers for multiple architectures?

Do you typically have to build containers for multiple architectures? 2024

What specification or recipe do you use to build containers?

What specification or recipe do you use to build containers? 2024

Do you use CI/CD for automated build and deploy?

Do you use CI/CD for automated build and deploy? 2024

Do you develop container technologies or related tooling?

Do you develop container technologies or related tooling? 2024

How do you rate your experience with containers?

How do you rate your experience with containers? 2024

What can containers not do that you wish they could? What features would you like to see?

What can containers not do that you wish they could? What features would you like to see? 2022 ...

How often do you use containers?

How often do you use containers? 2024

Which HPC container technologies have you not used that you would like to use?

Which HPC container technologies have you not used that you would like to use? 2024

What are you biggest challenges or pain points when using containers, or reasons that you don't use them?

What are you biggest challenges or pain points when using containers, or reasons that you don’t u...

What container technologies do you use on your local machine(s), personal or for work?

What container technologies do you use on your local machine(s), personal or for work? 2024 ...

Primary Environment

What is your primary environment 2024

Primary Role

What is your primary role 2024

Once built, do you tend to push containers to a central registry?

Once built, do you tend to push containers to a central registry? 2024

What container registries are you pushing builds to?

What container registries are you pushing builds to? 2024

Which container technologies are supported on the system(s) you are working on?

Which container technologies are supported on the system(s) you are working on? 2024

Do you use any supporting tools to build containers?

Do you use any supporting tools to build containers? 2024

In what context(s) are you using containers?

In what context(s) are you using containers? 2024

On those same systems and out of the set above, which HPC container technologies are you using?

On those same systems and out of the set above, which HPC container technologies are you using? ...